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Blog Post How Cost Segregation Can Lower Your Capital Tax Rate

How Cost Segregation Can Lower Your Capital Tax Rate

Do you happen to own stocks that you are thinking about selling? Do you also own a commercial property? If so, now is the time to consider cost segregation. Using cost segregation on your commercial property will lower your taxable income. This will make your capital gain less wh...
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Blog Post The 3 Best Investing Options for Getting Started in Real Estate

The 3 Best Investing Options for Getting Started in Real Estate

I get asked this question frequently: “What would you do if you were starting over?” The answer is: It depends.  It depends on life circumstances. It depends on the amount of money available. It depends on the amount of time I’d have.What I’m going to...
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Blog Post Is Real Estate the Best Alternative Investment?

Is Real Estate the Best Alternative Investment?

Are you an executive who just retired after being in corporate practice for several years?Or an entrepreneur who just sold a business?  Perhaps you are a new graduate who received an inheritance unexpectedly?  Or, you may be the lucky one who won the biggest jackpot in ...
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Blog Post What is Passive Income?

What is Passive Income?

What is Passive Income? Passive income is an income received on a regular basis that requires minimal or no work to maintain the source.  It differs from active income –  a job for example – which requires specific performance in order to generate the paymen...
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Blog Post Is Real Estate Investing Right For You?

Is Real Estate Investing Right For You?

Simply stated, real estate investing is not for everyone. It can, without a doubt, be a phenomenal wealth-building strategy, but without the proper set of expectations and goals, it may not be the best fit for you. I often hear people talk about real estate as this sure-thing mon...
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Blog Post Life Cycle of A Rental Property

Life Cycle of A Rental Property

In previous articles, I’ve detailed each stage in the life cycle of a rental property (purchase, rehab, monthly work, and disposition). In this article, I wanted to piece together the entire life cycle of a rental property. I will only be discussing traditional rental prope...
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Blog Post The 3 Most Common Myths Beginner Real Estate Investors Believe

The 3 Most Common Myths Beginner Real Estate Investors Believe

Every single year, many individuals get into the world of real estate investing. Some of them think of it as a speedy approach to profit. This is a result of the famous “get rich quick” attitude that makes many of the beginner real estate investors fall flat.Newbies t...
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Blog Post 6 Golden Rules to Follow Before You Invest in Turnkey Real Estate

6 Golden Rules to Follow Before You Invest in Turnkey Real Estate

Real estate investing is not for everyone. It requires patience, consistency and persistence and it comes with its share of challenges that must be considered before making the leap.A lot of new investors are interested in investing in turnkey real estate because they think ...
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Blog Post How Cost Segregation Affects Recapture

How Cost Segregation Affects Recapture

While there is a relationship between cost segregation and recapture, the cause and effect relationship should not cause concern for many. Be wary, however, if you are not planning on holding your property for at least three to five years as cost segregation may not be the best s...
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Blog Post What is Cost Segregation

What is Cost Segregation

Cost segregation is a tool for tax planning that is commonly used by commercial property owners. Using cost segregation allows an individual to view how quickly a property depreciates, therefore allowing owners to reduce the amount of taxes owed. In order for taxes to be reduced,...
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