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BRRRR Chicago Strategy

BRRRR Chicago Strategy

BRRRR is an acronym that stands for: Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat. 

This strategy of real estate investing has become popular among investors who may not have the 20-25% down payment to invest in a long term deal or for seasoned investors who want to do more deals with the same amount of money.

How it breaks down:

  • B-Buy
  • R-Rehab
  • R-Rent
  • R-Refinance
  • R-Repeat

The less money left in a deal after the refinance step, the more successful of an investment it is said be.

Recently I sat down with the team at Roofstock, and we went over many of the mistakes we made on our journey to use the BRRRR strategy hundreds of times over the past 15 years.  This show goes over issues we had, ways we would have done it differently, and processes that really worked for us.

Reach out to us today to discuss your BRRRR deal or share the details on the new Straight Up Chicago Investor Club Facebook Group.

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